StartupGC is a business law and finance blog published by Business Law Seminar Group, LLC. Paul Swegle is StartupGC's Editor.
Business Law Seminar Group also recently formed a new company, General Counsel Audit, Inc., to launch a revolutionary new SaaS due diligence tool for founders, startup counsel, and investors - General Counsel Audit - www.generalcounselaudit.com.
Paul Swegle helps teams build, fund, launch, and market innovative products, services and technologies. He has helped build and sell four companies to publicly traded acquirors, including Capital One, Abbott Laboratories, ING, and Nortek. He recently helped take a company public through a SPAC IPO, and he has been involved in more than $15 billion of financings and M&A deals.
See his interview here at the New York Stock Exchange by FintechTV regarding the role of SPACs in funding entrepreneurship - https://fintech.tv/sec-proposed-rules-for-spacs-with-paul-swegle-of-carexm/
Paul is currently General Counsel/Chief Legal Officer & Secretary to the following seven companies in medical diagnostic testing telehealth, virtual health, medical devices, retail technology, biotechnology, and SaaS:
Molecular Testing Labs - https://moleculartestinglabs.com/
CareXM - https://www.carexm.com/
Observa - https://www.observanow.com/
Routora - https://www.routora.com/
Chapterly - https://www.chapterly.com/
Hello Practice - https://gethellopractice.com/
Vincerix - https://vincerix.com/
Dwelling Tailor - https://dwellingtailor.com/
Paul is an Adjunct Law Professor at Seattle University School of Law and at Gonzaga University School of Law. At both law schools, he teaches his class “Counseling Startups: Law, Regulation, and Fundraising.” Paul speaks virtually and in person around the country and globally to law and MBA classes and to other business, legal, investing, and entrepreneurship groups, including recently at:
Stanford Law School
University of Washington School of Law, Commotion Lab
University of Virginia School of Law
UC San Diego Rady School of Management
UCLA Anderson School of Business
Rice University Graduate School of Business
University of Notre Dame MBA
George Mason University Law School
Georgetown School of Law
Marquette University College of Business Administration
Rady School of Management at UC San Diego
The Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado
The University at Buffalo Law School
Loyola Marymount School of Law
University of Memphis School of Law
Gonzaga School of Law
Wayne State University School of Business
Arizona State University School of Electrical, Computer & Energy
Paul's two books, “Startup Law and Fundraising for Entrepreneurs and Startup Advisors” and “Contract Drafting and Negotiation for Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals,” are used in numerous law and MBA schools. He is currently working on his third book, “Careers in the Law.”
EIX - The Entrepreneur and Innovation Exchange - https://eiexchange.com/
Wilson Sonsini Venture Term Sheet Generator - https://www.wsgr.com/wsgr/Display.aspx?SectionName=practice/termsheet.htm
The National Venture Capital Association - https://nvca.org/resources/model-legal-documents/
The Cooley law firm and Cooley Go - https://www.cooleygo.com/documents/
Y Combinator - https://www.ycombinator.com/documents/
The Orrick law firm - https://www.orrick.com/Total-Access/Tool-Kit/Start-Up-Forms
AskTheVC – Venture Deals - https://www.venturedeals.com/resources
Perkins Coie Startup Percolator - https://www.startuppercolator.com/
Stanford Law School CodeX Blog - https://law.stanford.edu/blog/?tax_and_terms=3520
Contract Nerds Blog - https://contractnerds.com/
Loio Blog on Contracts and other Law Topics - https://loio.com/blog